The development on the new Peek City is going according to plan. There are plans to name the statue, Statue of the Republic.
🔽 BREAKING! President Antares Andrews has signed the first ever executive order that takes immediate effect to: get the old national flag back and call up for research in the Freedom Party. (Post:

The parliament in Peek City has been shaken up by this action. You can view the document back here:
🔽 BREAKING! The Peekarican parliament has officially removed Victory Day (29 December) from the nation calendar. Victory Day has not been celebrated since 29 December 2019 and has only been celebrated twice.

Many Peekaricans became confused why victory was celebrated twice. On 5 February, the national Peekarica Day and 29 December, Victory Day. As a protest, the National Peekarica Party called out to the nation to not celebrate Peekarica Day last month.

For the first time in the nation history, 5 February was silent. Victory Day was once called out in 2018, the reason will stay unknown why. According to independent sources, something named the Firegate happened in the Peekarican Presidential Palace in November 2018.

There are currently plans to replace Victory Day by a week long parties and festivals from 1 to 8 June to celebrate the Summer this year. More information will be published on 6 April, next month.
It's time to move into a different era of the United States of Peekarica timeline. We decided it would be fun and also interesting to see Peekarica as a world leader of Planet Terra and the creator of the Doradus Spacefleet federation. We are working out an entire timeline on how the Third Blocklox War ended in May 2023, the Resources War and the space race era between the United States of Peekarica and United Scot Kingdom.

We want to timewarp the United States of Peekarica into 2060. By doing this we will also have to cut off the Laurentic Star Line story, as they will no longer serve around 2060. How would the nation be look like around that future date? How did the Doradus Spacefleet federation formed? What happened before 2060? Answers to this questions will be given very soon.

..but, we can already say that the Resources War was a direct sequel of the Third Blocklox War in 2023. The Resources War lasted for months when some of the most used resources became impossible to find. The entire world of planet Terra was forced to corporate in finding new solutions like a civilization technology upgrade to say goodbye to fossils energy. Electric and hydrogen became the driven force of the Terra civilization in 2025. If the Resources War failed, the world would have been pushed to the brink of extinction during a nuclear war.

During the space race era after the Resource War, the Terra civilization united and discovered alien technology on a planet called Hera in 2027. Within years of researching the ancient alien technology, blueprints were found to build interstellar ships. The first contact with another alien civilization was made in 2035 and the creation of the Doradus Space Fleet federation was a fact. With a booming population on planet Terra, most citizens were relocated for jobs on star bases, star ships and many other location across the Doradus galaxy.

You will ask yourself, why timewarp Peekarica's story into the future? There is one simple answer for that; we always loved to put Peekarica into the modern age we living today but it's also time to look forward and design a future that lies ahead of humanity.

Redesigning the United States of Peekarica map into future style would be awesome to see. We keep you up to date!
The new ocean liner United #Peekarica is towed away this morning as authorities seized control over the #ship.
Ever since the birth of the United States of Peekarica on 5 February 2009, the country became frozen in an old Republic system. But change is going to happen and 2021 will create a landslide in Peekarica’s political landscape, said president Antares.

‘‘We can no longer admit that there is not something terribly wrong with this country. It used to be great. This country needs more democracy then ever’’ – President Antares Andrews

What went wrong?
President Antares Andrews became the founding father and president of the first virtual nation in Blockland. After the elections of 20 April 2009, president Smax took office until 20 June 2009. After massive corruption, money deals and much more illegal cases president Antares Andrews was re-elected and the country moved into an uncertain future. The president elections were then disabled by law.

In 2017 – new campaigns were made by someone who wanted to run for office. In late 2017, the planned elections were then postponed and later scrapped. President Antares Andrews has a strong and severe leadership behind him already of eleven years; the civil war in 2011, the Second and Third Blocklox War, which is now the Second Global War, pushing this nation out of the largest crisis ever in December 2018, and much more.
The new flags for the United States of #Peekarica in 2020. It may still take a while before the white eagle can be seen on all flags in the nation.

The orange red flag stands for the land, sea and air forces.
The Peekarican House has stated that the Third Blocklox War will still take a while before victory can be declared. The war in Eurazia gave Mexaca the time to expand its influence into the southern continent of Peekarica.

"What ever we may encounter on the Mexaca border, opening another front may take a lot of casualties for both sides. At this time, cyber warfare turns most parts of Mexaca into darkness at night, making ICBM's unusable" said president Antares Andrews.

On the Eurazia continent with Legendardisch being defeated, the country is split into two parts. United Scot Kingdom has setup the Legendardisch Democratic Republic, the United States of Peekarica has setup the country West Legendardisch.

There are signs sparkling of a cold war in the far east. "We will defend the free West Eurazia continent at all costs. Even if we need to pull in the nuclear missiles" said CEO of ACO.