🔽 BREAKING! The Peekarican parliament has officially removed Victory Day (29 December) from the nation calendar. Victory Day has not been celebrated since 29 December 2019 and has only been celebrated twice.

Many Peekaricans became confused why victory was celebrated twice. On 5 February, the national Peekarica Day and 29 December, Victory Day. As a protest, the National Peekarica Party called out to the nation to not celebrate Peekarica Day last month.

For the first time in the nation history, 5 February was silent. Victory Day was once called out in 2018, the reason will stay unknown why. According to independent sources, something named the Firegate happened in the Peekarican Presidential Palace in November 2018.

There are currently plans to replace Victory Day by a week long parties and festivals from 1 to 8 June to celebrate the Summer this year. More information will be published on 6 April, next month.